Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Creating files and directories

As a Linux user, most of the files you save and work with will probably be in your home directory. Here are some of the commands you use in the file creation process:
· cd — Change to another current working directory
· pwd — Print the name of the current working directory
· mkdir — Create a directory
· chmod — Change the permission on a file or directory
· ls — List the contents of a directory
The following procedure steps you through creating directories within your home directory, moving among your directories, and setting appropriate file permissions:
1.First, go to your home directory. To do this, simply type cd.
2.To make sure that you got to your home directory, type pwd.
$ pwd
3.Create a new directory called test in your home directory, as follows:
$ mkdir test
4.Check the permissions of the directory by typing:
$ ls −ld test
drwxr−xr−x 2 chris sales 1024 Jan 24 12:17 test

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